An Expat’s Homecoming: Gio’s Transatlantic Journey Back to the US

An Expat’s Homecoming: Gio’s Transatlantic Journey Back to the US
Updated on April 25, 2024

The Expat Journey Begins 

Gio’s journey began in 1972 when he became an expat. For the next 46 years, he and his family would find their homes in the UK and Italy, experiencing the richness of life on both sides of the Atlantic. From the historic streets of Rome to the grandeur of London, the landscapes of Europe became their playground. Gio’s work, however, did not just limit him to Europe. His career took him to the far corners of the Middle East and beyond as they explored the world for fun. 

Gio expat story

The Challenges and Rewards of Life as an Expat 

The experiences Gio gathered during these years were not without challenges. Living away from family ties, adapting to local cultures, and managing the complex financial aspects of life as an expat were constant trials. Nonetheless, the rewards were priceless. His children grew up amidst a variety of cultures and experiences that shaped their worldview in a unique way. 

Navigating US Taxes from Abroad 

Gio’s expat journey included the added complexity of navigating US taxes from abroad. From the outset, he realized the necessity of paying US taxes. Initially, he relied on various big firms for his tax returns, an endeavor that was often expensive. 

Discovering Greenback: A Game-Changer for Expat Taxes 

In 2016, he discovered Greenback, a firm specializing in expat taxes. He found their service to be professional, responsive, and trustworthy. Despite initial concerns about working with a team spread across Texas to Argentina, the convenience and efficiency they offered won him over. 

What would you say to somebody who’s on the fence about signing up with Greenback? 
“Trust is a wonderful thing that is earned by Greenback’s professional work on my behalf” 

Essential Advice for Future Expats 

His advice to others embarking on their expat journey? Keep good records and digital files for tax purposes. While it may seem daunting, Gio believes the benefits of living as an expat far outweigh the challenges. 

The Homecoming: Returning to the USA 

In 2018, after decades of living abroad, Gio and his family returned to the United States. They now find themselves rediscovering their homeland with fresh eyes, seeing the country they once knew from a perspective broadened by their years abroad. 

Reflecting on the Expat Adventure 

Life as an expat, for Gio, was a fantastic adventure that he wouldn’t change for anything. Now back in the USA, they continue their journey, enriched by their experiences and looking forward to what lies ahead.

We want to hear your expat story! If you’d like to share your story on our blog just answer a few questions about your expat experience. Your story could inspire countless other current and future expats.

Have Questions? Not Sure What to Do Next? Get Help Early! 

For US expats struggling with filing their taxes, Greenback offers an easy-to-use platform and knowledgeable accountants that could be the solution you need to achieve peace of mind. Don’t delay, and get started with filing your taxes today. 

For general questions on expat taxes or working with Greenback, contact our Customer Champions

Every expat should know these 25 things about US expat taxes. Find out for yourself.
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