Greenback Expat Tax Services’ 2017 Survey Urges Americans Living Abroad to Share Opinions on Expat Taxes, the New Presidential Administration and More

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International Business Times - Expat Tax Survey

Greenback Expat Tax Services has launched its annual US expat opinion survey, open until April 25, 2017 to the nearly 9 million American expatriates around the world. Greenback, which specializes in providing tax services and consulting for 8,000+ American citizens in 211 countries and territories, is conducting the survey to gather key insights from US expats.

The 5-minute survey allows participants to weigh in on a variety of topics, including US tax filing obligations, passport revocation, FATCA regulations, FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Reporting), the Affordable Care Act, citizenship renunciation, the 2016 presidential election and new administration.

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