The 12 Best (And Easiest) Countries To Move to from the US

The 12 Best (And Easiest) Countries To Move to from the US

Many Americans consider moving to another country at some point in their lives. For most, it’s never anything more than a fun idea. Some, however, follow through on their dream of living a new life abroad. 

In fact, Greenback Expat Tax Services has helped over 18,000 expats file more than 60,000 returns in 193 countries — gathering extensive feedback to offer informed recommendations on the best destinations for Americans to move to from the US.

Undisputedly, the best country for people from America to move to is Canada due to its robust healthcare, high quality of life, and cultural affinity with the United States. Key attributes that make Canada the top choice include its welcoming immigration policies, strong economic stability, and a richly diverse environment, catering well to Americans looking for a new home abroad.
Apart from Canada, we’ve put together a list of some of the best and easiest countries to move to from the US. Let’s get started.

The 12 Best Countries To Move to from the US

1. Portugal

Portugal is widely regarded as one of the best countries to move to from the US. 

To start with, Portugal’s warm, temperate climate makes it the perfect spot for a relaxed lifestyle. Plus, you can rest easy knowing that you and your family are likely far from any danger. According to the 2023 Global Peace Index, Portugal is the seventh safest country in the world.

Portugal also boasts a comprehensive healthcare system and one of the lowest costs of living in Europe. This includes lower-than-average prices for food, lodging, and most other day-to-day expenses.

Most US citizens will have no trouble fitting in as long as they stick to major cities like Lisbon and Porto, where English speakers are common. (If you decide to settle in a rural area, the language barrier may be more of a problem.) Portugal even features numerous international schools with an American curriculum, making relocating easier for children.

However, in October 2023, the Portugal Golden Visa program underwent substantial revisions, altering the dynamics for prospective investors. Formerly, a straightforward real estate investment was your ticket to a Golden Visa, providing a gateway to establish roots in the vibrant Portuguese terrain. However, this once-favored pathway has been sealed by official mandates.

The ripple effect of this amendment is profound. If you envisaged unlocking Portuguese borders by acquiring property, it’s time to recalibrate your strategy. The government has phased out all real estate-centric avenues from the Golden Visa scheme, impacting individuals eyeing part-time residency in this coastal haven.

For the modern globetrotter, staying abreast of these developments and exploring alternative avenues is crucial. Countries like Greece, Spain, and Malta continue to offer enticing residency-by-investment programs. Each presents a unique blend of lifestyle, financial, and residency perks that cater to diverse personal and financial objectives.

2. Spain

Right beside Portugal, Spain provides another warm, laid-back home for Americans living abroad. In fact, Spain offers virtually all of the same benefits as Portugal, though with a somewhat higher price tag. Spain’s cost of living is not as low as that of its smaller Western neighbor.

As with Portugal, you would likely want to move to a major city, especially Barcelona, where English is more common. The Canary Islands are also a popular choice, especially for American expat retirees.

Regardless, Spain’s Golden Visa program is designed to make relocating as simple as possible. Foreigners have a variety of investment choices available. If they meet certain criteria, they can seek permanent residency and even citizenship.
Spanish citizenship comes with plenty of benefits, including the ability to travel visa-free to 155 countries worldwide with a Spanish passport.

3. Greece

As you can probably already tell, the Mediterranean region is a popular destination for Americans moving overseas. Another country on the list of Mediterranean hotspots is Greece. Compared with many other European countries, Greece’s cost of living is relatively affordable, though still not as low as Portugal’s.

Greece’s main claim to fame is its gorgeous beaches stretching along the edge of the sapphire-blue sea. The Greek Isles are also renowned for their beauty and offer rural areas with plenty of privacy. If you prefer the bustle of the city, Athens and Thessaloniki are more than welcoming to foreign guests.

No matter whether you settle on the mainland or one of Greece’s many islands, the weather will seldom give you a reason to complain. Warm summers and mild winters characterize the cycle of Greek seasons.

Greece also has several international schools for American students, though most are based in Athens. Virtually anywhere you go, almost everyone under the age of 40 can communicate in English.

If you’re interested in making your home in Greece, the Greece Golden Visa program is generally the best place to start. Greece’s investment threshold is much lower than that of many countries, requiring an investment of only 250,000 euros to become eligible for a visa.

4. Malta

Malta is a small island nation floating just south of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea. Malta’s breathtaking coast, delicious cuisine, and rich culture have made it a magnet for US expats. The island’s year-round sunshine doesn’t hurt its popularity, either. Plus, most of the population of Malta can speak English.

Better still, Malta’s Golden Visa program is generally the cheapest option for any European country, and it is even lower than Greece’s threshold. You may only need to invest as much as 30,000 euros to acquire a visa. Malta’s relatively low cost of living will also help your remaining finances stretch further. Additionally, Malta offers a Citizenship by Investment program, allowing investors to obtain citizenship after making a significant contribution to the country’s economy. This program provides an attractive option for those seeking not only residency but also a Maltese passport, which offers the benefits of EU citizenship.

5. Montenegro

Yet another Mediterranean country beckoning Americans overseas is Montenegro. Like most of its neighbors in the Balkan region, Montenegro presents a fascinating mix of Eastern and Western cultural influences. For example, the architecture and aesthetics of Montenegro are clearly inspired by Italy, while Montenegrin cuisine is noted for its Greek and Turkish elements.

In short, Montenegro is a kind of crossroads for European culture, offering the best of all worlds. And despite its small size, Montenegro is steeped in a rich cultural history of its own.

Montenegro’s cost of living is notably lower than in the US, and the tax benefits are even more enticing. Much of the local population speaks English as well, though this will be less common outside of tourist destinations such as Kotor, Budva, or Tivat.

Because of Montenegro’s small size, immigration rules are rather strict. However, options are still available for obtaining residency.

6. Thailand

Now it’s time to consider some of the best countries to move to from the US that aren’t located in the Mediterranean region. First on the list is Thailand, a true gem of the East in Asia.

Like the other countries we’ve discussed, Thailand is known for its low cost of living and pleasant climate (though the monsoon season can take some getting used to for Americans moving abroad).

Thailand’s thriving economy makes it a notorious base of operations for business owners and those with a digital nomad visa. The capital, Bangkok, is home to a healthy expat population, many of whom are entrepreneurs involved in international business. If you prefer to stay closer to the beach, the cities of Phuket, Koh Samui, and Koh Phangan are also solid choices.

Because Thailand is a hub for tourists and expats, English is commonly spoken, and Americans shouldn’t have too much trouble communicating. Thailand also features a well-developed rail network, making it easy to travel quickly and comfortably throughout the country.

However, gaining residency in Thailand isn’t always easy. Because so many international travelers would love to call Thailand home, the immigration rules are strict. That doesn’t mean it isn’t possible, of course. Many expats apply for the 10-year visa program and use this as their entry point into Thai society.

7. Singapore

Roughly a third of Singapore’s population are foreigners, with tens of thousands being expats from the US. There are several reasons for Singapore’s popularity, including its universal healthcare system, low crime rates, and light tax burden. And of course, the large expat community means that English is common.

Becoming a resident of Singapore is also much easier than in most other countries. Even obtaining a residence permit is relatively simple.

On the other hand, Singapore isn’t cheap. The cost of living in Singapore is a fair bit higher than in the US. However, Singapore’s impressive social programs may make up for this.

8. South Korea

South Korea has established itself as a global hub of culture, exporting K-pop (Korean pop), K-dramas, K-beauty, and more. Aside from this, South Korea is also noted for promoting vibrant lifestyles and offering world-class shopping opportunities. South Korea’s cuisine is also legendary worldwide.

On top of all this, South Korea maintains a remarkably low cost of living—though one major exception to this is housing, which can be pricey.

South Korea also boasts some of the fastest internet speeds in the world, though with the prevalence of online censorship, you may need to invest in a VPN.

In general, South Korea can be a great home for younger, tech-savvy expats who want to taste the good life overseas.

9. Mexico 

Mexico offers a vibrant culture, warm climate, and affordable living costs, making it an attractive destination for Americans. The country’s close proximity to the US is a significant advantage, allowing for easy travel back and forth.

One of the main benefits of living in Mexico is the low cost of living. Everything from housing to groceries is generally cheaper than in the US. This affordability extends to healthcare, with high-quality medical services available at a fraction of the cost compared to the US. Additionally, Mexico boasts a rich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes, from beaches to mountains, providing a variety of lifestyle options.

English is widely spoken in tourist areas and expat communities, particularly in places like Mexico City, Cancun, and Playa del Carmen. These areas also offer a range of amenities, including modern infrastructure, shopping centers, and international cuisine, making the transition smoother for Americans.

The Temporary Resident Visa allows Americans to stay for up to four years before being eligible to apply for permanent residency. This visa is relatively easy to obtain and can be a stepping stone to full residency or citizenship. Whether you’re looking for a bustling urban environment or a tranquil beachside retreat, Mexico has something to offer for every taste and preference.

10. New Zealand

New Zealand is known for its stunning natural scenery, high quality of life, and welcoming attitude towards expats. The country offers various visa options, including skilled migrant visas, which make it easier for Americans to relocate. Additionally, New Zealand’s Working Holiday Visa is a popular choice for younger individuals seeking to experience the country while working temporarily.

The lifestyle in New Zealand is relaxed and outdoor-oriented, with plenty of opportunities for hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities. From the breathtaking fjords of Milford Sound to the geothermal wonders of Rotorua, New Zealand’s diverse landscapes provide endless exploration possibilities. The healthcare system is excellent, and English is the primary language, which helps Americans integrate smoothly.

Major cities like Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch are popular among expats, offering a blend of urban amenities and natural beauty. Auckland, the largest city, is known for its vibrant cultural scene and waterfront living. Wellington, the capital, is celebrated for its arts, coffee culture, and picturesque harbor. Despite its rebuilding efforts following earthquakes, Christchurch remains a hub of innovation and gateway to the stunning South Island. 

With its strong sense of community and high living standards, New Zealand presents a compelling option for Americans seeking a new home abroad.

Self-Assessment Quiz

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You’re on the right track. You’ve started to think about what life abroad will entail. Keep building on your preparations to avoid any surprises once you’ve moved.


You’re ready to move abroad! You seem well-prepared and have done your homework! You’re ready to embrace the expat life with confidence.

11. Australia 

Australia is a popular destination for Americans due to its high standard of living, similar culture, and English-speaking population. Additionally, Australia’s permanent residency pathways, such as the General Skilled Migration program, make long-term relocation feasible.

Australia’s major cities, such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, are known for their vibrant cultural scenes, excellent healthcare, and strong economies. With its iconic Opera House and stunning harbor, Sydney is a global financial hub and cultural center. Melbourne is renowned for its art, music, and coffee culture, making it a haven for creatives. 

Brisbane, known for its sunny weather and friendly atmosphere, offers a growing economy and a laid-back lifestyle. The cost of living can be high in these cities, but the overall quality of life, access to top-notch healthcare, and world-class education systems are very appealing.

With its beautiful beaches, diverse wildlife, and warm climate, Australia offers a desirable lifestyle for those looking to move abroad. Outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate the numerous national parks, the Great Barrier Reef, and opportunities for surfing, hiking, and exploring the Outback. 

Australia’s commitment to multiculturalism also ensures a welcoming environment for expats from all backgrounds, making the transition smoother and fostering a sense of community.

12. Germany 

Germany is an attractive destination for Americans due to its robust economy, high quality of life, and excellent public services. The country offers various visa options for skilled workers, such as the EU Blue Card, which makes it easier to move and find employment. Additionally, Germany has numerous pathways for entrepreneurs and freelancers through the self-employment visa program.

English is widely spoken in major cities like Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt. Berlin, the capital, is known for its vibrant arts scene, diverse culture, and dynamic tech industry. Munich boasts a high standard of living and beautiful architecture, and is home to some major global companies. Frankfurt, a key financial hub, offers a cosmopolitan lifestyle and excellent infrastructure. Germany’s healthcare system is one of the best in the world, and the cost of living is reasonable, especially outside major urban centers where the quality of life remains high.

Germany’s rich history, cultural heritage, and central location in Europe make it a great base for exploring the continent. From the medieval castles of Bavaria to the bustling markets of Hamburg, there is a wealth of cultural experiences to enjoy. 

The country’s efficient public transportation network makes travel within Germany and to neighboring countries convenient and affordable. Whether you are interested in exploring the scenic Rhine Valley or enjoying the vibrant nightlife of Berlin, Germany offers a diverse and enriching living experience for expats.

Bangkok, Thailand

What to Consider When Moving to Another Country


Before you start making plans to move to a new country, you need to know how easy it will be to live there long term. Ask yourself:

  • What are the qualifications for obtaining a visa?
  • Can foreigners rent or buy property?
  • What will you have to do to establish permanent residence?
  • Does this country allow dual citizenship?
  • What are the healthcare options, and will I need health insurance?

Getting the answers to these questions may help you narrow down your list of options.

Job Market

Finding a job will probably be an important factor when choosing a new home abroad. Is your skill set valuable in this country? How tough will it be to get hired? Of course, this may be less important if you’re retired or self-employed as a business owner or freelancer.


Sunny beaches and long summers can make any country a popular destination for tourists and expats alike. In fact, one of the most common reasons for moving to another country is to bask in a warmer climate. This is a big reason why you won’t find places like Russia or Finland on many lists of the best countries to move to from the US.

Ease of Travel

Putting down roots in a remote, disconnected part of the world may sound like the ideal to some. The reality, however, can be quite a different story. Moving all of your possessions to a remote location adds more stress to relocating. Plus, just because you don’t want to live in the US doesn’t mean you won’t want to visit again. Choosing a country that makes international travel difficult could create headaches down the road.


Experiencing different cultures is a highlight of traveling. And no matter where you move, there will inevitably be some cultural differences you’ll have to adapt to. That said, there’s such a thing as too much change. Those fun, bizarre aspects of a foreign culture may not seem so fun later on.

Consider picking a country with a culture similar to what you’re used to. This will make integrating and feeling at home in your new world easier. In particular, it’s always a good idea to choose someplace where a language barrier won’t be a problem.

Cost of Living

A lower cost of living is another popular motivation for Americans moving abroad. You’ll miss this benefit entirely if you choose a more expensive country than the US. So before making the final decision, take the time to calculate how expensive your life will be in a given country.


This one may seem obvious. Still, you’d be surprised how often travelers assume incorrectly that a country is safer than it is. Alternatively, they may see that one city is safe and assume that the whole country is, without realizing that the city they’re moving to has a higher crime rate than the national average. And even if it’s safe for the locals, how safe is it for foreigners like you?

It’s worth doing some research to learn whether you’re going to expose yourself to unnecessary risks.

Customs and Laws

When you move to another country, you agree to abide by their rules. Things that have always been normal to you may be rude or even illegal. Find out what worldviews, policies, and regulations you can expect while you’re still outside the system.

Work-Life Balance 

Work-life balance can significantly impact your overall happiness and well-being. Research the typical work culture in your potential new home. Some countries emphasize shorter workweeks, generous vacation policies, and a strong separation between work and personal life. 

Knowing what to expect can help you find a place to maintain a healthy balance and enjoy your time at work and outside of it. For example, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway are renowned for their emphasis on work-life balance and could be excellent choices depending on your priorities.

Moving abroad

Are You Planning to Move Abroad?

If you’re hoping to live overseas, we hope this list of the best countries to move to from the US has helped you understand your options. If you still have questions, we’d be happy to answer them all.

At Greenback Expat Tax Services, we help Americans living abroad file their expat taxes accurately and on time. Just contact us, and we’ll be happy to help you in any way we can. We can even prepare and file your expat taxes for years to come.

Looking for tax consultations before moving abroad? Book a consultation with a Greenback tax specialist.

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