The Bona Fide Residence Test: What It’s for and How To Qualify

The Bona Fide Residence Test: What It’s for and How To Qualify
Updated on July 15, 2024

Whether you’re a long-term foreign resident or a new expat, the bona fide residence test determines your residency status and may affect your US tax obligations. It’s also a gateway for Americans living abroad to access certain benefits. 

Understanding and qualifying for the bona fide residence test can be tricky, but that’s where Greenback Expat Tax Services shines. With clients in over 214 countries and territories, Greenback has unparalleled experience in helping expats navigate the complexities of US tax laws. 

In this guide, we’ll define bona fide residence, provide examples of what does and does not count as bona fide residence, and help you determine if you meet the IRS requirements to qualify as a bona fide resident abroad.

Key Takeaways

  • To pass the bona fide residence test, you must be a US citizen or US resident who is also a citizen or national of another country with which the United States has a tax treaty and have resided in a foreign country for an uninterrupted period that includes an entire tax year
  • For purposes of the bona fide residence test, taxpayers filing their income tax returns on a calendar year basis must reside in the foreign country from January 1 through December 31 of a calendar year
  • You could waive the time requirements of the bona fide residence test if you had to leave a foreign country because of war, civil unrest, or similar adverse conditions there.

What Is the Bona Fide Residence Test? 

The bona fide residence test is used to gauge whether an American or US taxpayer is indeed a resident of a foreign country. The test is determined by IRS tax rules, and bona fide residency status does not apply to nonresident aliens or US citizens living in the United States.

Bona fide residents can be eligible for certain expat tax benefits, such as the Foreign-Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) and the Foreign Housing Exclusion or deduction. When used correctly, the FEIE saves US expats thousands of dollars on their US taxes because it allows them to exclude a significant amount of their foreign-earned income (up to $120,000 for the 2023 tax year) from being taxed by the US government. Sometimes, you can exclude even more if you’ve incurred housing costs in the same tax year.

Who doesn’t love a tax break? Use our handy calculator to learn what you can save using the FEIE.

Use our simple excel calculator to get an estimate of how the foreign earned income exclusion will save you money. It will make your day!

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How To Qualify as a Bona Fide Resident of a Foreign Country

Qualifying as a bona fide resident of a foreign country in order to claim certain US expat tax deductions and exclusions requires meeting all five of these eligibility requirements: 

  1. You must be a US person (either a resident alien or a US citizen) living in a country that has a US income tax treaty.
  2. You must actively earn foreign income and be a resident of that country. Unearned income, such as dividends, interest, and pension payouts, do not qualify you.  
  3. You must have a residence in a foreign country. 
  4. You must live within that country for the uninterrupted period of an entire tax year – typically January 1 through December 31 of a single 12-month period (though brief trips or vacations to the US may be allowed, depending on the number of days). 
  5. You must not plan to move back to the US in the foreseeable future or have an end date for your work in that foreign country. Expatriates with student visas or temporary work visas do not qualify as bona fide residents, but green card holders may qualify.

Note: You could waive the time requirements of the bona fide residence test if you had to leave a foreign country because of war, civil unrest, or similar adverse conditions there.

Most of these are pretty straightforward and objective. Still, there’s room for confusion, and you want to be crystal clear when it comes to taxes and filling out IRS forms. To help make this all clearer, here are some examples of when some might or might not pass the bona fide residence test. 

Bona Fide Residence Test Examples 

Here are some examples of what does or does not pass the bona fide residence tests. 

Example 1 

Let’s say Sarah is an American citizen who buys a home in Ireland. She spends six months in Ireland and six months in the US every year. 

Sarah does not pass the bona fide residence test. To become a bona fide resident, she must spend at least one full tax year in a foreign country while earning foreign income. Because she has only been in Ireland for six months, she does not meet this qualification for bona fide residency. 

Example 2 

Another example is Miguel, an American citizen who sells his home in America and explores the world. He travels globally, lodging in hotels, inns, and hostels. Sometimes, he finds a host family to live with. Regardless, he never stays in one country for more than a few months before moving on. 

Miguel also does not pass the bona fide resident test. Like Sarah, he does not stay in any single country for a full tax year and, as a result, does not qualify as a bona fide resident. 

Example 3 

Chris is an American who moves to Turkey for a three-year work assignment. During those three years, Chris lives exclusively in Turkey and never once returns to the US. At the end of those three years, however, his work assignment will be over, and he will be transferred back to the US. 

Chris does not pass the bona fide residence test. Even though he lives in Turkey for at least a complete tax year, he already has plans to return to the US. As a result, he is not a bona fide resident. 

Example 4 

Adriana moves from America to Germany in July of 2022, expecting to remain permanently. However, a year later, in July of 2023, she changes her plans and returns to the US. 

Adriana does not pass the bona fide residence test. Although she is in Germany for 12 months (a full year), she is not there for a single complete tax year. That would require her to reside in Germany from January 1 until December 31 of the same year. 

Example 5 

Jack accepts a job in China, where he may be employed indefinitely. He moves from America to a home in Beijing in November of 2024. In December 2025, he still lives in China without plans to leave. 

Does Jack pass the bona fide residence test? Yes! Because Jack has lived in a foreign country for at least a full tax year, earns foreign income, and has no current plans to return to the US, he has established bona fide residence, meaning he can claim the FEIE. 

Example 6

Abby moves to India with her immediate family on January 1, 2023. While there, her aunt in the US becomes sick, and she returns for three weeks to help care for her relative. Then, she returns to India, finds a job, and remains until the end of 2023, with no plans to leave. 

Abby does pass the bona fide residence, meaning she can claim FEIE. She has a residence in India, stayed there for a complete tax year, earns foreign income, and has no plans to move again. Even though she was in the US briefly during the year, it wasn’t a long enough stay to disqualify her from being a bona fide resident of India. 

Preparation is key.

Dreading the last minute scramble pulling together your tax documents? Despair no more! This simple checklist lists the documents you need to have on hand when preparing to file.

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Other Ways To Qualify for US Expat Tax Exemptions

There are other ways for Americans living abroad to avoid paying taxes on their foreign-earned income besides becoming a bona fide resident. 

For instance, you could use the 330-day rule and file Form 2555EZ with your 1040 tax return if you don’t qualify as a bona fide resident but still spent a significant amount of time abroad. This lets you claim the FEIE by proving you were physically present in a foreign country for at least 330 full days during a 12-month period, even if you don’t meet the stricter requirements of the bona fide residence test. 

An alternative to claiming the FEIE is the foreign tax credit. Taxpayers who have paid or accrued foreign income taxes in their country of residence can claim the foreign tax credit to avoid double taxation on their income by the US and the foreign country they lived in.

Choosing between the foreign tax credit and FEIE requires careful consideration. If you switch from FEIE to the foreign tax credit, you cannot claim the FEIE again for five years. To make the best decision and avoid tax issues, you should work with a qualified expat tax advisor who can help you understand your options.

How To Prepare for the Bona Fide Residence Test

If your goal is to be considered a bona fide resident of a foreign country outside the US, here are some tips to follow:

  • Understand the requirements of bona fide residence. Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the bona fide residence test as outlined by the IRS. This includes establishing that you have a tax home in a foreign country, passing the substantial presence test, and demonstrating your intention to reside in the foreign country for an uninterrupted period that includes an entire tax year. 
  • Maintain accurate and organized financial records. Keeping accurate and organized financial records, including income, expenses, and other relevant financial transactions, is crucial for preparing your US tax return and supporting your bona fide residence status. This can help you accurately calculate and report your foreign-earned income and provide evidence of your residency abroad. 
  • Gather documents before leaving the US. It’s advisable to start collecting documents that can substantiate your bona fide residence status even before you leave the US. These may include lease agreements, employment contracts, utility bills, or other relevant records that demonstrate your intent to establish a genuine residence in a foreign country. 
  • Keep detailed records of time spent abroad. Maintaining meticulous records of your time spent abroad is crucial. This includes tracking the dates of your arrivals and departures from the foreign country, as well as any trips you may take outside of the foreign country during the tax year. These records can serve as evidence to support your claim of being a bona fide resident of the foreign country, which the IRS may require in case of an audit. 

By proactively preparing for the bona fide residence test, US expats living abroad can optimize their chances of meeting the requirements for claiming the FEIE and minimizing their US tax liability. 

Questions About the Bona Fide Residence Test? We Are Here To Help!

Knowing whether you qualify as a bona fide resident (or will in the future) can dramatically impact how you file your taxes. Contact us, and one of our customer champions will be happy to help. If you need very specific advice on your specific tax situation, you can also click below to get a consultation with one of our expat tax experts.

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